Let us guess - you KNOW you should exercise. You KNOW you should eat your vegetables and get 8 hours of sleep. You know peri-menopause and hormone changes can be challenging... and you don't know what to do? You just want to feel better!!!
Our 90 day FAN program was created JUST FOR YOU.
You will get stronger, lose weight, and feel more confident!
You'll improve your lean body mass, bone density, insulin resistance and other health markers.
And you'll have some fun with an awesome group of women :-)
Here's how it works:
You'll join our Facebook group. You will learn the best way to do strength and cardio training. You will have small group classes to keep you motivated, in addition to virtual personal training sessions to focus on your individual needs and perfect your form.
The program includes:
from Upbeat AND your team members
Our new FAN program (Fitness. Accountability. Nutrition.) will focus on brief “exercise snacks” and small nutrition changes. You will learn to work new habits into your life naturally. You will get stronger. You’ll feel more confident in your clothes. And you might even have some FUN.
New Winter 2025 cohort starts January 14th
You will be invited to a private Facebook Group just for the FAN girls. We will meet there every week for a short presentation followed by group discussion and goal setting for the week. Topics will include:
You will have a one-on-one meeting to review your health history and set individual goals. Then there will be group check-ins through Messenger, text, and in the FB Group.
Twelve weeks, Two options:
Which investment in your health works best?
2. Premium FAN Plan: In addition to the Super Plan, you will have biweekly one-on-one meetings to check in and make sure you are keeping up and reaching all your goals! $749
(There are options for a 3 payment plan)
You will Feel Fit and Fabulous!
Our online program focuses on fitness, nutrition, ans stress management. Our Facebook group will give you extra ideas, support, and motivation. We share tips and tricks and personal stories. We will have chats on Zoom to discuss issues that come up, workout together, and check in. At Upbeat, we know that behavior change can be challenging, and the NON-JUDGMENTAL support of our group can be life changing! For a lively community that will challenge you to grow, look no further than Upbeat Dance and Fitness’ online programs.
Phone: (215) 806-7464 | Email: Denel@upbeatdance.com | Business Hours: By appointment only